Welcome to 15 Days of Prayer!

Day 4

Refugee Resettlement in Hampton Roads 

  • Grace Bible Church is uniquely equipped to make refugee resettlement a continuing ministry in our church. We are excited to live out God’s calling to love those who have been uprooted from their homes and are now starting over in Hampton Roads.  
  • Pray for the families that Grace Bible Church has welcomed into Hampton Roads. Pray that they will continue to thrive in their communities and that they would continue to ask questions about Jesus.  

“You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.”
Exodus 23:9

Day 3

Women’s literacy and self-empowerment in Southeast Asia 

  • GTI Hope provides education and literacy classes to women in Southeast Asia. The Bible is used to teach the literacy courses and many women start small businesses because of what they learn in their classes. The women not only gain confidence and financial independence but have a restored relationship with Jesus because of what they learn. 
  • Pray for the students’ safety as they travel, that they will be protected from persecution, and that they will have open hearts in lessons.  
  • Learn more at https://www.gtihope.org/.

“She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard. She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong.”
Proverbs 31:16-17

Day 2

Education and Schools

  • ASEL is a system of schools in Togo that equips Togolese teachers through mentorship, discipleship, and ongoing Teacher Training Seminars. The teachers then instill character and competence in their students while giving them opportunities to hear the Gospel.
    • Pray that ASEL Christian Schools will continue to attract Muslim families that are seeking high quality education for their children.
    • Learn more at https://togoschools.org/.
  • FOR Our Schools: At Grace Bible Church, we believe that the public schools are the heartbeat of our community, and by serving them, we are sharing God’s love in real and tangible ways.
    • Pray for our students, teachers, and staff. Pray for our teachers to have wisdom to help our students succeed.  Pray for everyone’s health so that we may have a productive, successful year!  Pray that God will provide the teachers and para teachers needed to serve the students well.
    • Learn more at https://gracebible.church/schools.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

Day 1


  • At GBC, we use the acronym B.L.E.S.S as a reminder to be in prayer for those who don’t know Jesus. Who in your life are you praying for who is not a follower of Jesus? What is your next step to share God’s love with them? There is no pressure for any of us to lead someone to Jesus, but we do have the privilege of playing our part. The acronym B.L.E.S.S. (Begin with prayer, Listen, Eat together, Serve them, Share your faith story) is a helpful way to think about how we are partnering with the Holy Spirit to see people come to faith in Jesus. 
  • Take time to pray for your friends and family who don’t know Jesus. And pray also for our church, that we can continue to create environments that unchurched people love to attend.