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APRIL 2024


You can do what Jesus says.

Bible Story

Light of the World
Matthew 5:1-2, 14-16

Jesus teaches, "You are the light of the world. Don't hide your light. Shine for everyone to see."


“Let your light shine.”

Matthew 5:16, NIV


Morning Time

When you go into your child’s room, cuddle them and say: "Good morning, [child's name]! Today's a new day! We can't hide under these covers. It's time to get up and let our light shine like Jesus said!"

Drive Time

While on the go, look for different kinds of lights. Sun, traffic lights, flashlights, light-up signs, etc. Talk about how all of those lights shine so people can see something. Jesus tells us to let our light shine so people can see that Jesus loves them.

Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your child and pray: "God, thank You that Jesus wants to be [child's name] friend forever. Thank You that Jesus wants to be friends forever with... (ask your child to name other family members and friends). We love You, God."


Bath Time

During bath time, hold your pointer finger up. Say, "Jesus says 'Shine your light! Don't hide your light.' (Cover your finger.) Now it's your turn!" (Take turns shining and hiding your lights.)

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