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Compassion is caring enough to do something about someone else's needs.

Bible Story

Jesus Feeds 5,000
John 6:1-13

Use what you have to help others.


"Let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father who is in heaven."

Matthew 5:16, NIrV

Engagement Questions

  • What do you have that you can use to help others?
  • What would be hard for you to share?
  • How can you use what you have to help others this week?


"God, You are an awesome God! We know that You can take what we have and use it to help others. This week, when we see a need, help us to show compassion. Thanks for loving us and sending Jesus to show us how to love others. We love You, and we pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen."


Morning Time

As your kid starts their day, tell them about a time you saw them help someone and how proud you were of them.

Drive Time

While on the go, ask your kid: “Who is someone you know that has helped someone lately? What did they do?”

Meal Time

At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: “What is something you have or can do to help someone?”

Bed Time

Pray for each other: “Thank you for the things You have given us, God—both the things we have and the things we are good at. Help us to honor You by giving what we can to help others.”

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