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Jesus loves everyone.

Bible Story

The Twelve Disciples
Matthew 4:18-22, 9:9-10, 10:2-4; John 1:43-49

Jesus chooses 12 people from different jobs and families to follow Him and become His friends, the disciples.


“Love each other in the same way I have loved you.”

John 15:12, NLT


Morning Time

When you go into your child’s room, cuddle them and say: "Good morning, [child's name]! I love you SO much! And Jesus loves you SO much too!"

Drive Time

While on the go, look for people. Are they a grown-up or a child? Are they short or tall? Do they have long hair or short hair? Talk about how Jesus wants everyone to follow Him.

Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your child and pray: "Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to love everyone and to show us how to love everyone."

Bath Time

Add foam hearts to the bath water. Encourage your child to find the hearts and line them up along the edge of the tub. Say: "Hearts make me think of love, and I know who Jesus loves! Jesus loves everyone!"

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