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MARCH 2025


Cooperation is working together
to do more than you can do alone.

Bible Story

Joshua Wins the Battle Over the Amalekites
Exodus 17:8-13

Who do you work well with?


Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.

Ecclesiastes 4:9, NIrV

Engagement Questions

  • Who do you work well with?
  • Who has helped you succeed?
  • How do we recognize when someone needs help?


"Dear God, we are so grateful for what You’ve given us and for the chance to share it with others. Please help us to have the patience to cooperate with others and remind us that we are better together. We love You, and we pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


Morning Time

As your kid starts their day, let them know what a good helper they are, and encourage them to be on the lookout for someone who needs help this week.

Drive Time

While on the go, ask your kid: “Who is someone who has helped you learn how to do something?”

Meal Time

At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: “Who do you work well with?”

Bed Time

Pray for each other: “Jesus, show us how we can help the people around us win through our actions and words.”

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