The elders conducted a review of our Constitution and are proposing several changes. These changes ensure that our Constitution and By-Laws align more closely and bring additional clarity to church governance. Please review them below. You can email us at if you have questions or comments.

Under Section X, "ELDER BOARD"

At end of Section C.2, "Staff elders"

Add “Lead and Co-Lead Pastors shall be elders.”

This change clarifies who are senior-level pastors.

Under Section D, "Responsibilities of the elder board are as follows:"

Add “To serve as the Board of Directors for Grace Bible Church of Virginia Beach”.

This change will match our By-laws.

Under Section F, "Number and Quorum"

Change the definition of a quorum from “60% of voting elders” to “2/3 of voting elders”.

This change will match our By-laws.

Add after Section G a new Section H titled "Conduct of Meetings"

Add text to this new section as follows: “Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.”

This change will clarify our current practice.

Under Section XIV


Change “the congregation” to “members of Grace Bible Church”.

This change places the authority to revise the Constitution with church leadership – currently about 600 people.