Welcome to 15 Days of Prayer!

Day 1


  • At GBC, we use the acronym B.L.E.S.S as a reminder to be in prayer for those who don’t know Jesus. Who in your life are you praying for who is not a follower of Jesus? What is your next step to share God’s love with them? There is no pressure for any of us to lead someone to Jesus, but we do have the privilege of playing our part. The acronym B.L.E.S.S. (Begin with prayer, Listen, Eat together, Serve them, Share your faith story) is a helpful way to think about how we are partnering with the Holy Spirit to see people come to faith in Jesus. 
  • Take time to pray for your friends and family who don’t know Jesus. And pray also for our church, that we can continue to create environments that unchurched people love to attend.