Welcome to 15 Days of Prayer!

Day 2

Education and Schools

  • ASEL is a system of schools in Togo that equips Togolese teachers through mentorship, discipleship, and ongoing Teacher Training Seminars. The teachers then instill character and competence in their students while giving them opportunities to hear the Gospel.
    • Pray that ASEL Christian Schools will continue to attract Muslim families that are seeking high quality education for their children.
    • Learn more at https://togoschools.org/.
  • FOR Our Schools: At Grace Bible Church, we believe that the public schools are the heartbeat of our community, and by serving them, we are sharing God’s love in real and tangible ways.
    • Pray for our students, teachers, staff and families.   Pray for discernment, courage, strength and joy for our school’s administration and teachersPray for our students’ safety, home life, health and that they flourish and learn in our partner schoolsPray Grace Bible Church can be a light to all in our schools and show God’s love in tangible ways to the students, families teachers and administration. 
    • Learn more at https://gracebible.church/schools.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

Day 1

Come Sit With Me!

  • At GBC, we believe in the power of prayer for those who don’t yet know Jesus. Who in your life are you praying for who doesn’t have a relationship with Him? What might be your next step to share God’s love with them? While it’s not our job to lead someone to faith, we do have the privilege of playing our part in God’s plan. Take a moment to pray about how God might use you to invite someone to “come sit with me” at a Sunday service as a part of sharing God’s love with them! Let’s partner with the Holy Spirit in this beautiful work of bringing people closer to Jesus. 
  • Take time to pray for your friends and family who don’t know Jesus. And pray also for our church, that we can continue to create environments that unchurched people love to attend.