What does our Special Needs Program offer?
We meet with you and your child or student to get to know their needs. We’ll then partner them with a buddy. If your child or student feels overstimulated, we have a sensory room where they can pause and thrive! Our sensory rooms are equipped with many unique features a kid or student with special needs will enjoy.
What types of special needs do you accommodate?
Our goal is to accommodate any kid or student who attends NextGen programming. We partnership with each child or student to connect them to a buddy through a deliberate process, taking into consideration the special needs as well as the concerns of the parents in order to make the best buddy match. Due to this process, it may be necessary for a family to wait until just the right volunteer is found.
What does the curriculum look like?
It is the same curriculum the other kids and students participate in! We do modify it, taking into consideration the needs of each child or student.
How do I start the process?
Email Krissy Urich, our Special Needs Director, to start your journey!
How do I become a Special Needs Buddy?
Thank you for wanting to partner with families through our Special Needs Ministry. Tell us you’re interested here.